Diets Archives

Protein Diet | Is an all protein diet best for you?

Ever heard of a protein diet? The Atkins Diet? The South Beach Diet? The premise behind these diets is a reduction in carbohydrates and an increase in protein. I’ve tried the protein diet and I lost weight on it. I also gained weight right after I went off it.

Low Carbohydrate Diet | South Beach Diet

Low carbohydrate diets have been one of the more popular types of diets that people have tried. One such diet is called the South Beach Diet, which is a plan developed by Dr. Arthur Agatson.

Atkins Diet | All about the Atkins Diet

Over the past few decades, the Atkins diet has really hit the diet world with full force. This health phenomenon is based on The Atkins Diet, a book by Dr. Robert C. Atkins. His concept for weight loss is that we need to be concerned with the carbohydrates we eat, not the fat

Does a calorie diet work? Although the Jenny Craig weight loss system has been around sine the 1980s, it has recently skyrocketed back into the public eye, due to the celebrity spokesperson, Kirstie Alley. Alley lost almost 100 pounds using this diet, but then she yo-yoed back.